Minggu, 16 September 2012

Hacker Test level 2


Sekarang saya akan membahas hacker test level 2..
Nah gan, kita disuruh memasukan password..
Karena kita tidak tahu, kita klik "Oke" saja..
Dan sekarang kita disuruh merefresh..
Jangan Dulu gan, sekarang tancap ke source pagenya..
Mari Kita Lihat :

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var pass, i;
pass=prompt("Please enter password!","");
if (pass=="l3l") {

Ternyata Passwordnya l3l gan..

1 komentar:

  1. I've been married to a man for over 3years and it took me so long to realize that he was sleeping with my best friend that I confirmed my suspicions by contacting a hacker to hack into his phone and provide me with all the necessary and completely overwhelming evidence to confront him. His email is "onlinehacker4hire {@} gmail com". He can hack into almost anything, including credit reports, school databases, embedded systems, etc. He can hack into almost anything. And he's very nice to work with.onlinehacker4hire at gmail dot com
